my volunteer duties for this year's Vancouver International Film Festival led me to the Fraser Valley this weekend. while making a stop in Abbotsford (a/k/a Biblevania), I decided to check out the selection of beer at one of their liquor stores. to my extreme surprise, amongst the ho-hum offerings were 6-packs of New York's He'Brew Genesis Ale. not to my surprise, these 6-packs were covered in dust - this may be "the chosen beer", but obviously not by Abbotsfordians.
the Genesis Ale pours a clear dark orange and brown colour. the bubbles are not very lively and produce little head. for the head that is there, it dissipates quickly. the aroma is very bready (in this case, I'll go with bagely). there is something sour in the mix that pleasingly reminds me of a Belgian double or triple. the pleasant bageliness is backed up in the taste (although a little thin) but is quickly erased by the heaviness of the hops. the hops really coat your tongue with bitterness for a spell, but as more sips go down, the less the hops stay out to play. the shtick of the beer's name and packaging give this one some bonus points, but ultimately this is a highly drinkable beer that lacks a good malt to hop balance.
Hey there. This is Zak Davis from Shmaltz Brewing Company. Glad you were able to pick up a 6pack of Genesis Ale, and really glad that you enjoyed it. It sounds like (and judging by the film of dust) it may have been an old bottle. I know you liked the 'sour' elements, but you generally wouldn't find that characteristic in a fresh bottle. The beer is a hybrid west coast pale ale/amber ale, so you should definitely get some malt backbone. If you're able to track it down, you should pick up a bottle of one of our other delicious selections. Thanks again for the support. L'Chaim!!