I'm a sucker for packaging. so, when I saw a new box of bottles on the the liquor store shelf, my eyes locked directly onto it. the new box belongs to PWB's NatureLand Organic Amber Ale.

my opinion of this beer maybe skewed due to the anemic arsenal of brews that have previously come out of PBW. I mean, these are the guys that have brought us such classics as Dude Beer, TNT (now available in an 8% Lager), and Ironhorse (all aboard - choo choo!). history aside, I tried my best to be impartial for this tasting.
right of the bat, the pour came out surprisingly beautiful - a golden, honey colour with a fluffy head and extremely lively bubbles. maybe this will be the PBW's crown jewel. the aroma was very sweet, reminiscent of caramel. first, I tasted some decent bready malts which disappeared quickly and were replaced by some skunky finishing hops, which didn't match the malts at all. the bitterness lingered a lot longer than expected and not in a good way. after finishing half of the bottle, the bitterness started to taste very chemically and metallic; an unfortunate taste for any beer, let alone an organic one. the more I drank, the more I saw wrong with this beer. any positive reactions to the appearance and smell were erased by that lasting chemical taste. with the bulk of the 6-pack remaining in my fridge, it looks like I now have a few bottles of this left over to pawn off onto house guests.
if you're looking for a good organic BC beer, look towards the offerings from the Nelson Brewing Company which is now 100% certified organic.
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