the Tippler is switching up gears for this review as this will be our first blind beer tasting. friend of the Tippler and knit knut, Kat, was given a glass of Doryman's Dark Ale by Oregon's Pelican Brewery and was asked to share her opinions of it. it goes as follows.

Disclosure: I watched a handful of YouTube videos featuring baby orangutans before I sampled this beer. The footage of a six-month old ape clasping a French bulldog might have skewed the results in a positive direction.
Orangutans or no orangutans, I like brown ales, so I was pleased when Deebag poured me a dark beer, slightly darker and more opaque than Coca-Cola. There was a half-centimeter of dense yellowish head, which quickly thinned.
The beer was barely carbonated, with a pleasant smooth mouthfeel. Taking a sip, I instantly identified the dominant flavour as “beer”, with hints of caramel. The taste was full but faded quickly and cleanly to hops. The hoppy aftertaste faded quickly as well. This rich but mellow beverage is a great pick for early fall nights, when the nights are getting cooler and beer isn’t all about cooling off.
Fire up the YouTube! I would like some more orangutan videos and another glass of whatever this was!
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