Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Ruedrich's Red Seal Ale

North Coast Brewing Co.

Here is a powerful American-style ale from California. I first tried it on tap at Vancouver’s the Alibi Room some months back, and have been thirsting for it until this tasting. These are the circumstances which often lead to disappointment, it is true, but I am optimistic all the same.
The beer poured a beautiful reddish-amber colour, with about half an inch of head that dissipated quickly to a thin line of foam and left little lacing on the glass. It is not very aromatic, but gives off a mild, flowery scent of hops and something sweet as well.

Tasting begins with this sweet malt taste, and lasts for no more than a half second before the hops kick in. The hop flavour drives strongly through to the end and, while it dominates the malt, it never dismisses it, so there is some sweet malt flavour right through to the finish. This prevents the taste from ever becoming too bitter, and gives this brew a balance that is difficult to achieve in an IPA.

Ruedrich’s Red Seal Ale is as crisp as you would want from a beer of this variety and smoother than you might expect. I was definitely not disappointed with this brew after so long a wait. It is wonderfully well-balanced for such a hoppy beer, making it very drinkable in any situation. I recommend it highly.


1 comment:

  1. one of my favs too. it's been a while since i had one, but i recall a nice, subtle smokey flavour.
