Friday, March 26, 2010

One More Note on Palo Santo Marron

Dogfish Head

Big Love covered this one a while back when he tried (and loved) it in a blind tasting situation, but I have to add something. first off, who's had this stuff before? haven't had it? well, go buy a bottle, chill it appropriately, find a nice wide rimmed glass, pour and come back to the computer. run along and do as you're told. got it all set? now, have a taste. are you thinking what I'm thinking? campfire! I know, right? all I can taste is campfire... and that's not a bad thing here at all as there are a bunch of recognizably different smokey tastes in this beer.

anyway, that's all I had to add. Big Love took a little more care in preparing his thoughts of the beer, which you can read here.

oh... and a BIG thank you to Tippler DC Liz, who traveled across the continent with bottles of Dogfish Head's Palo Santo in her suitcase to give to me. nice one.

Phillips Double Dragon Imperial Red Ale

Phillips Brewing Company

when this red ale caught my eye in the store and I conjured up memories of playing video games on the ferry to Victoria. although I wasn't compelled to wear a blue leather vest and throw down some kung fu as I walked down the street, the Double Dragon is so easy to drink and so high in alcohol that given enough, I probably would have.

it pours more of a chestnut brown colour than the typical red. it has an exceptionally smooth taste with a luscious malt the coats the tongue - Phillips has put together a nice Red Ale here. Phillips Brewing has been bringing out some new brews over the last few months, and I'm looking to having a gander at them soon. In fact there's a bottle of Skookum Brown Ale waiting for me and my liver in my fridge.

650 ml bottle, 8.2% alc/vol