Thursday, May 13, 2010

Molson..."Trust Me, That's Just the Beginning"

I guess that I missed a lot of entertaining morning television when I skipped town for the olympics. this one's for Tippler A-Bomb and her favourite beer, Phillips Brewing's Blue Buck.

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

hey, at least they're showcasing some decent beer through the veil of crappy TV.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Hop Circle IPA: One Man's Hopinion

Dear Phillips Brewing,

With the introduction of your Hop Circle IPA, you have, in my humble opinion, really established yourself amongst British Columbia's finest breweries. This is a stand-out West Coast IPA--from its wonderful floral aroma, to its muscular hoppiness, to the delicate balancing effect of its malt and the pleasant, not too bitter finish. In fact, it is so immediately endearing one might argue that it sells itself.

Why, then, did you give it such a stupid name? And such a ghastly label? Were you trying to prove this theory?

I know that many fine and well-regarded microbrews have elements of Sci-fi kitsch and puns on the word "hop", but this does not make it right. You had a chance, here, to set a higher standard. To take the high road. I, for one, wish you had taken it. Because this is a classy ale. It doesn't need to be dressed in flourescent clothing and adorned with bad puns.

I suggest you rebrand it, quickly and quietly, so that it doesn't embarrass you in a few years.

I'll likely be drinking it either way, because its good. And I like good beer, even more than I dislike ugly, corny marketing.


Big Love
