after my fill of wine during this weekend's camping excursion, it's time to go back to the go

Moylan's is a brewpub just north of San Francisco in the town of Novato. like a lot of west coast micro-breweries, Moylan's selection of beer looks like they are trying to recruit a hop army to take over the beer world. along with this 6.5% IPA, they have a double IPA which boasts an 8.5% abv and a triple Imperial IPA, Hopsickle, which comes in at a liver stopping 9.2%.
poured into a glass, this IPA comes through with a nice thick haze that is the colour of apple cider. the head is extra generous and was maintain throughout the glass. the aroma is mainly light floral, but I smelled some citrus in the mix. now, let's get to why people love their IPA's - taste. to start, it's hops, hops, hops, but the floral aroma comes through even stronger in the middle. a few more sips and your tongue will be ready for the hop assault. the more you drink, the more this hoppiness mellows. the finish has a savoured bitterness that lasts a full minute - it may linger a bit long, but doesn't overstay it's welcome. the complexity of the hops is achieved in the latter part of brewing, when this IPA is finished by being twice dry-hopped (get your mind out of the gutter). the second glass of the IPA was to go with my dinner - a smokie and french onion soup (no, i was not planning on going out afterward) and was perfect with my hearty meal. this is when i started tasting the hops as a complement to the citrus and floral notes instead of being a solitary entity. me likey.
B+ by itself
A with food
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