i was going to review the classic west coast beer that aids the process of giviner (Pil), but my memory from last week's camping adventure is hazy. i do remember jumping over the campfire a few times, shotgunning a bounty of beer, and there being an incident involving a fellow camper hatcheting his thumb and fixing the leak with a diaper and electrical tape. if the night's photos jog my memory, then there will be more to follow.
one of the outcomes of such a debaucherous evening was a cold that has destroyed my smell, taste, and ability to get out of bed. i was able to get out of bed long enough yesterday to open a Griffon (Rousse) Red Ale and watch the finale of america's next top model (i know, i know).

appearance: the rousse poured a nice dark red with long lingering head. it seems to have more carbonation than other ambers that i have tried before.
aroma: .....um, well the cold prevented me from getting any real sense of the aroma, but i did smell some roasted maltiness.
taste: starts with a roasted quality that reminded me of coffee. overall, it had a subtle malt flavor that went down exceptionally smooth much like McAuslan's pale ale. the finish was a little too clean for me - i wanted that roasted taste to stay a little longer.
overall, it wasn't the most inspiring selection from McAuslan, who have some very nice ales and a great oatmeal stout. i'll definitely be re-visiting this rousse when i get back on my sea-legs. i'll be camping again this week, but this time with a little more organization. while i'm sure there will be more drinking of dubious beer, i will be bringing that Moylan's IPA that i promised to review last week.
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