Friday, March 26, 2010

Phillips Double Dragon Imperial Red Ale

Phillips Brewing Company

when this red ale caught my eye in the store and I conjured up memories of playing video games on the ferry to Victoria. although I wasn't compelled to wear a blue leather vest and throw down some kung fu as I walked down the street, the Double Dragon is so easy to drink and so high in alcohol that given enough, I probably would have.

it pours more of a chestnut brown colour than the typical red. it has an exceptionally smooth taste with a luscious malt the coats the tongue - Phillips has put together a nice Red Ale here. Phillips Brewing has been bringing out some new brews over the last few months, and I'm looking to having a gander at them soon. In fact there's a bottle of Skookum Brown Ale waiting for me and my liver in my fridge.

650 ml bottle, 8.2% alc/vol


  1. Dayam! I wanna try this one! Celtish style too!
    I'm Welsh AND my name is Phillips!
    I thought their rainforest IPA (was it just a rainforest label theme that I remember from the IPA?) was ok but the DIPA I tried a week ago was very, VERY nice!
    This post has encouraged me to try and mail the brewery and see if they wanna send me some stuff or at least if they wanna exchange for some of the best craft beer Japan has to offer (which, by the way, aint half bad!).
    Thanks, dude.
    A good friend recently returned from Vancouver with a DIPA for me.
    Had quite a few Canadian beers now and they are all very drinkable whilst some are pretty damn goooood!
    Thank you for the review and beer mention.
    Chuwy (aka Mr.Phillips)

  2. good luck with the potential beer exchange, Chuwy. I'll be trying a couple of Japanese beer from Hitachino Nest Beer very soon. if they're as good as the Hitachino Espresso Stout, I'm sure that I'll be in good hands. I'll let you know what I think.
